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Update of the bundle feature

Marie Houillon requested to merge bundle-update into master
  • Rename simfile_path to bundle_include (simfile_path usage is still possible but deprecated).
  • It is now possible to create a file .bundleinclude in the experiment folder for listing files and folders to include into the bundle, supplementary to those marked with the function bundle_include.
  • Allow to update an existing bundle folder with option --update-bundle (i.e. recreate a new bundle, but build it on top on existing license, metadata or git files in the existing folder).
  • If the option --update-bundle is used and the existing bundle has a remote git repo set, --push-bundle can be used without an argument: the existing remote will be used. Example: If a bundle has been created with
python --bundle my_experiment --push-bundle ""

It can be updated with:

python --bundle my_experiment --update-bundle --push-bundle
  • Don't create a zip archive by default: the bundle is now created as a normal folder by default. A bundle as zip archive can be obtained with the option --archive-bundle.
  • When pushing a bundle to a git repo, include a GitLab CI/CD configuration to allow to test that the experiment runs within the openCARP Docker image.
  • Replace METADATA.yml by CodeMeta metadata file within bundles.
  • The openCARP release associated with the experiment is now indicated in metadata, in the field "softwareRequirements".


  • Document .bundleinclude file
  • Add a mechanism to allow to tag a Docker image version in which the experiment can be run
  • Add documentation about how to test the bundle manually (without using GitLab CI/CD)
  • Remove use of current branch in carputils/bundle/
Edited by Marie Houillon

Merge request reports
