openCARP GitLab

Welcome to the openCARP GitLab

This is where you find the code for openCARP and carputils together with issue trackers for these projects. For more details, check out the openCARP web page! You can find the code of the openCARP simulator here. To have access to the full functionality, please go ahead and register for an account.


Due to an influx of spam, we have had to disable the signup form. If you want to join, please send an email to Sorry for the inconvenience.

Terms of use

The GitLab service is hosted by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and managed by the openCARP project. Anyone with an interest in the project can join the community, contribute to the project design and participate in the decision-making process. By joining, you agree to abide by the governance of the openCARP project and our code of conduct. We request sign up with your real name and institutional email address. We remain the right to remove accounts that do not adhere to these rules as well as accounts that are used for commercial advertisement without further notice.

Please note that this service is available exclusively for scientific work and for active cooperation within the openCARP project. The use of this service is not permitted for private purposes, for commercial purposes, or for unlawful purposes.

Please also note that the Order for Digital Information Processing and Communication (IuK) of KIT applies.

openCARP GitLab

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